Thursday, December 26, 2013

LASIK and Astigmatism

Astigmatism is a common refractive error, which means that the eye does not focus light properly on the retina (the back of the eye). This condition causes light to focus on areas in front of and/or behind the retina, making vision blurry or distorted at all distances.

Astigmatism occurs when you have an irregularly-shaped cornea. LASIK vision correction can often correct the “football” shaped cornea of astigmatism into more of a “basketball” shape, thereby allowing light to properly focus on the retina and provide clear vision.

LASIK is not the best option for all patients with astigmatism. For example, if your corneas are too thin to support the procedure or if you have a medical condition that may interfere with healing, an alternative to LASIK (such as PRK) might be more appropriate.

Advances in LASIK technology have made this popular procedure a viable option for more patients than ever before. To find out if you might be a good candidate for LASIK, contact Charleston Cornea & Refractive Surgery in Charleston to schedule your free LASIK Consultation at 843-856-5275 or

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Ways to Celebrate the Winter Solstice

The shortest day of the year is almost here. December 21st is the Winter Solstice; it’s the first day of winter and a great time to step back from all of the craziness of holiday preparations and just enjoy the simpler things in life.

Here are a few suggestions we have for unwinding:
  • Make a homemade craft for a loved one
  • ·Enjoy the beauty of the season: take a hike, watch the sun set, build a snowman
  • Light candles in your home, build a fire in the fireplace
  • Sip hot chocolate and read a book
  • Have a simple dinner party (or go out to dinner) with family and friends
  • Reflect on what you wish for the upcoming year

While you are reflecting, if “improving your vision” tops your list of wishes, take a moment out of your Winter Solstice celebration to schedule a free LASIK consultation. Even though this day falls on a Saturday, you can still schedule an appointment online at Charleston Cornea & Refractive Surgery’s website:

LASIK vision correction helps people reduce or eliminate their need for glasses. Dr. O'Day has helped more than 55,000 patients correct their refractive errors and live a clearer life. The procedure isn't for everyone, which is why the free LASIK consultation is so important.

Enjoy the 2013 Winter Solstice! And, if you wear glasses or contacts, let Dr. O'Day show you how much more enjoyable your winter can be with LASIK. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Lasers in Toys Pose Eye Damage Risk

With the holidays just around the corner, your kids are probably already making their “wish” list for Santa. If toys with lasers are topping the lists, you may want to reconsider letting Santa bring those products down the chimney.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned consumers that toys that incorporate lasers pose a threat of serious eye injury and even blindness, especially when the laser beams are shone into the eye.
Products with lasers like the ones listed below can injure kids, adults and even pets:
  • “Weapons” such as toy guns or lightsabers
  • Spinning tops
  • Optical effect lasers for entertainment

When pointed at your eyes, these lasers may even be more hazardous than staring directly into the sun.
If you must purchase a toy that incorporates a laser, read the labels on the products to make sure it complies with 21 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) Subchapter J. For more information about this consumer update, click here.

At Charleston Cornea & Refractive Surgery we use lasers for LASIK vision correction; however, this eye surgery is done in a controlled environment using extreme safety precautions. Our LASIK technology has been FDA-approved for LASIK and we continually monitor any changes to the FDA approval.  

To learn more about LASIK, contact our office to schedule your free LASIK Consultation at 843-856-5275 or

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Celebrate Letter Writing Day!

Did you know that December 7 is Letter Writing Day? It’s a real observance that encourages people to swap their computer keys and texting thumbs for a pen or pencil…and to craft a hand-written note to someone. Sending someone a personal letter shows that you took time out of your busy schedule to share a story or two about your recent activities…or to thank them for a kind gesture…or to ask Santa for that new remote-controlled car!

For some people, writing a letter means getting out their glasses or putting in their contacts to see their words form on the page. Farsighted people have difficulty seeing things up-close, which can make writing, reading and fine detail work just plain impossible without corrective lenses. Wouldn’t it be nice to have the ability to jot down a note anytime, day or night, without the hassles of glasses or contacts?

LASIK vision correction can make letter-writing a breeze for some patients. The process actually corrects the shape of the cornea in farsighted patients, helping light to focus directly on the retina as opposed to behind it.

LASIK won’t help you craft the great American novel, but it has helped millions of Americans see up-close more clearly. It’s also important to know that even after LASIK, some patients need reading glasses in later life due to the natural stiffening of the eye’s lenses…a naturally-occurring condition called presbyopia.

To find out if your next Letter Writing Day could be celebrated without glasses, contact Charleston Cornea & Refractive Surgery in Charleston today by calling 843-856-5275 or visiting to schedule your free LASIK Consultation. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving from Charleston Cornea & Refractive Surgery!

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, the team at Charleston Cornea & Refractive Surgery would like to take a moment to share a few of the things for which we are thankful.

We are thankful that:
  • We've had the privilege of providing eyesight care for the people of Charleston for over 8 years.
  • We have an outstanding ophthalmologist who is specially trained and highly experienced in LASIK vision correction.
  • The LASIK technologies we've invested in are allowing us to improve vision for even more patients – even some of those who were not candidates in the past.
  • Our entire team maintains strong ethical standards and only performs LASIK on qualified candidates.
  • We help patients afford the improved vision they desire through LASIK financing options.
  • We get the opportunity to help educate people about every aspect of LASIK, whether or not they choose us for their procedure.
Our goal is to make our patients feel thankful that they chose Charleston Cornea & Refractive Surgery for their vision correction.

Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy time with your loved ones this holiday season. And if the quality of your vision isn’t something that is making you thankful, contact Charleston Cornea & Refractive Surgery in Charleston to schedule your free LASIK Consultation. Call 843-856-5275 or visit  

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Improve Your Vision for National Family Literacy Month®

The National Center for Family Literacy (NCFL) has designated the month of November as National Family Literacy Month®. Having the ability to read with your children can dramatically improve their performance at school as well as their economical, emotional and social development. Family reading time also helps to strengthen the family bond.

At Charleston Cornea & Refractive Surgery we work hard to help adults achieve clear vision so it’s easy and fun to read – both to their children and for their own enjoyment. One way we do this is through LASIK vision correction. LASIK can correct nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism by actually changing the shape of the cornea. When the cornea is properly shaped, light coming into the eye will focus correctly on the retina (the back of the eye).

Some patients are able to eliminate their need for glasses and contacts after LASIK. Of course, every patient is different, but think of how much more enjoyable reading would be if you didn’t have to hunt for your glasses or take out your contacts at night when reading before bed.

Not everyone who wears glasses is a good candidate for LASIK. You need an in-depth examination by a trained ophthalmologist to find out for sure. At Charleston Cornea & Refractive Surgery we offer free LASIK Consultations to do just that.

The NCFL has created a fundraising challenge called The Big Give for Families Learning to raise money to support family literacy and learning programs. Participants can win a variety of fantastic prizes. Visit the NCFL website to learn more:

Make this a National Family Literacy Month to remember. Contact Charleston Cornea & Refractive Surgery in Charleston today to schedule your free LASIK Consultation to find out if LASIK is right for you: 843-856-5275 or

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Busting LASIK Myths

If you have been considering LASIK, but you’re confused about some of the claims being made, you might be falling victim to some common LASIK myths. In this blog, we will provide the reality behind five common LASIK myths.

#1 – Anyone can have LASIK.
This simply isn't true. Certain vision conditions and even your overall health may cause you to be a poor candidate for LASIK. You must have a full LASIK examination by a trained ophthalmologist to determine:
  • The thickness of your cornea (if it is too thin, LASIK is not recommended)
  • Prevalence of Dry Eye Syndrome
  • Prevalence of eye disease, cataracts, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, etc.
  • Your current medical health
If a surgeon tells you that anyone can have LASIK, go somewhere else!

#2 – You’ll never need glasses again after LASIK.
Regardless of whether or not you have LASIK, a condition called presbyopia can “sneak up” on you when you reach your mid-40s. Caused by the stiffening of the eye lens, the eyes begin to have problems focusing on near objects. This is an age-related problem that happens to virtually everyone, and you may need reading glasses later in life to read up-close or in dimly-lit situations.

#3 – If you have astigmatism, you can’t have LASIK.
When you have a cornea that is shaped more like a football than a basketball, advanced LASIK technologies can be used to change the shape of the cornea to create the optimal shape and improve vision. Of course, every patient is unique. You can find out if your particular degree of astigmatism can be corrected by having a full eye exam.

#4 – LASIK is expensive. It’s cheaper to wear glasses.
When you look at the total cost of LASIK, it may seem like an unobtainable luxury. However, studies have shown that in the long run people may spend less on LASIK than on the continued maintenance of eyeglasses and contact lenses…and these are expenses that never end. When you weigh that number against the one-time cost of LASIK, and the fact that excellent LASIK financing options exist, the procedure looks much more affordable.

#5 – If I can’t have LASIK, I can’t get my vision corrected.
There are actually alternatives to LASIK for people who aren’t candidates for LASIK. PRK or ASA procedures do not require that a corneal flap be created, so those with thin corneas are sometimes candidates for this option. Alternatively, Refractive Lens Exchange is a procedure in which the natural lens of the eye is replaced with an artificial IntraocularLens (IOL) to correct vision. There are other options as well, and your doctor should discuss those with you.  

Don’t write off LASIK without knowing all of the facts. Schedule your free LASIK Consultation at Charleston Cornea & Refractive Surgery in Charleston today at 843-856-5275 or to learn more.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

It’s Your Last Chance to Think about Yourself before the Holidays!

The holiday season is right around the corner. That means an endless stream of holiday parties, gift-buying, present-wrapping, cooking, baking, decorating…and on…and on…and on…

Before the holiday craziness hits, take a moment to do something good for yourself...something that will help make your holiday season a little easier…especially if you currently wear glasses or contacts to correct myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism.

We’re talking about LASIK vision correction.

Did you know that more than 14 million Americans have had LASIK to correct a refractive error? This is when your eye is shaped in a way that light does not focus directly on the back of the eye (the retina). LASIK uses lasers to remove tiny, precisely targeted amounts of corneal tissue to create a slightly different shape and allow light to focus properly. The effectiveness of this procedure depends on several factors:

  • The LASIK technology being used
  • The experience of the surgeon
  • The health and condition of your eyes

The best news is that the entire surgery only takes minutes per eye, and most patients are able to return to work (or their holiday preparations) within a day or two after surgery. And, if you’re concerned about spending too much money before the holidays, Charleston Cornea & Refractive Surgery offers LASIK financing options to make the procedure budget-friendly.

Treat yourself to a free LASIK Consultation. You might learn that you could remove the added stress of glasses and contacts from your holidays. Contact 
Charleston Cornea & Refractive Surgery in Charleston today by calling 843-856-5275 or visiting

Monday, October 28, 2013

Do Starfish Have Eyes?

The next time you stumble across a starfish while swimming in the ocean, gaze into his arms to see if he notices you. That’s right…his arms!

Oddly enough, most starfish have primitive compound eyes on the tips of each of their arms. A recent study showed demonstrated that starfish use these eyes to process visual information, especially when there was a need to locate food sources. Two groups of starfish were studied: one group with eyes and one group without. The two groups were placed in a sandy area of the ocean and studied how they moved toward the coral reef, which was their food source. The group with eyes was able to navigate directly toward the reef, while the group without eyes wandered aimlessly.

Additional studies into starfish may help researchers learn more about eye evolution.

Researchers are also continually studying human eyes and devising new technologies to correct vision problems. For example, in the past if you were nearsighted, farsighted or had astigmatism, you were stuck wearing glasses or contact lenses for life. Today, people have options, such as LASIK laser vision correction, to potentially eliminate their need for corrective lenses.

That means swimming in the ocean (and checking out the starfish) with clear vision using just a regular snorkel/diving mask or goggles.

If seeing starfish and other sea creatures more clearly sounds attractive to you, contact Charleston Cornea & Refractive Surgery at 843-856-5275 today to schedule your free LASIK Consultation. Dr. O'Day isn't an expert on starfish, but he has extensive experience in helping qualified candidates improve their vision. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Using Flex Plans to Pay for LASIK

Tired of wearing glasses or contacts but not sure how to pay for LASIK? If your company offers a Flexible Spending Account, you can choose to place a portion of your pre-tax earnings into this short-term, tax-free savings account to use for non-reimbursable medical expenses, such as LASIK. You can save up to $2,500 on LASIK, depending on your annual income. This program lowers your taxable income.

Use it or Lose it! Most Flex Plans have strict usage rules. If you don't spend your money on your procedure within the specified timeframe, you will lose your savings.

Follow These Steps for Flex Plan Savings

  1. Find out if you are a candidate for LASIK by scheduling a Free LASIK Consultation at Charleston Cornea & Refractive Surgery.
  2. Find out your company's deadline for open enrollment to sign up for Flexible Spending Accounts.
  3. Find out how the cost of your LASIK procedure so you’ll know how much to set aside in your account. This will be determined during the Consultation. Dr. O'Day cannot pre-determine what procedure will be best for you without examining your eyes first.
Combine Flex Plan Savings with LASIK Financing! Contact Charleston Cornea & Refractive Surgery to learn more about our 0% interest LASIK financing program, how LASIK is performed and what advanced LASIK technologies Dr. O'Day uses. Contact us today at 843-856-5275 or

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

How LASIK Works

You've undoubtedly heard the term LASIK eye surgery, and you may even know someone who has had the procedure done. But do you really know what steps are involved in a LASIK procedure?

Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis, commonly referred to as LASIK, is a procedure to treat farsightedness, nearsightedness and astigmatism. In these vision conditions, the cornea is shaped so light does not focus properly onto the retina so clear vision is not achieved. LASIK uses a laser to actually reshape the cornea so light does focus properly.

LASIK is not performed on a “whim.” An experienced LASIK surgeon will perform a detailed eye exam to determine your exact vision characteristics and determine if LASIK could help or hinder your vision. This procedure isn't right for everyone; some people have corneas that are too thin to support the procedure…others have pre-existing eye health or medical conditions that will interfere with healing.

  1. Numbing drops are placed into your eye and a lid speculum keeps the eyelids open.
  2. A corneal flap is created using either a hand-held microkeratome surgical tool or a femtosecond laser.
  3. Once the flap is created it is gently folded back to give the surgeon access to the underlying corneal tissue.
  4. Corneal tissue is removed/reshaped using a computer-controlled excmier laser.
  5. The corneal flap is put back into place where it begins to heal without stitches.
The entire process only takes a few minutes per eye and most people report that it is virtually painless.

There is a whole lot more to know about LASIK! If you are curious, contact Charleston Cornea & Refractive Surgery today at 843-856-5275 or to schedule your free LASIK Consultation to get all of the facts about LASIK. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

How LASIK Works

You’ve undoubtedly heard the term LASIK eye surgery, and you may even know someone who has had the procedure done. But do you really know what steps are involved in a LASIK procedure?
Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis, commonly referred to as LASIK, is a procedure to treat farsightedness, nearsightedness and astigmatism. In these vision conditions, the cornea is shaped so light does not focus properly onto the retina so clear vision is not achieved. LASIK uses a laser to actually reshape the cornea so light does focus properly.

LASIK is not performed on a “whim.” An experienced LASIKsurgeon will perform a detailed eye exam to determine your exact vision characteristics and determine if LASIK could help or hinder your vision. This procedure isn’t right for everyone; some people have corneas that are too thin to support the procedure…others have pre-existing eye health or medical conditions that will interfere with healing.

  • Numbing drops are placed into your eye and a lid speculum keeps the eyelids open.
  • A corneal flap is created using either a hand-held microkeratome surgical tool or a femtosecond laser. 
  • Once the flap is created it is gently folded back to give the surgeon access to the underlying corneal tissue.
  • Corneal tissue is removed/reshaped using a computer-controlled excmier laser.
  • The corneal flap is put back into place where it begins to heal without stitches.

The entire process only takes a few minutes per eye and most people report that it is virtually painless.

There is a whole lot more to know about LASIK! If you are curious, contact Charleston Cornea & Refractive Surgery today at 843-856-5275 or to schedule your free LASIK Consultation to get all of the facts about LASIK. 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

In Music, the Eyes Have It

The eyes have been dubbed “the window to the soul.” Maybe that’s why so many eye make-up products are sold and why so many songwriters focus on this expressive facial feature in their music…songs like:

·         Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison
·         Doctor My Eyes by Jackson Browne
·         Eyes Without a Face by Billy Idol
·         Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue by Crystal Gayle
·         When You Close Your Eyes by Night Ranger
·         Betty Davis Eyes by Kim Carnes
·         Private Eyes by Hall and Oates
·         For Your Eyes Only by Sheena Easton
·         Angel Eyes by the Jeff Healey Band
·         Behind These Hazel Eyes by Kelly Clarkson
·         Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain by Willie Nelson

If you’re tired of hiding your eyes behind corrective lenses, you should consider laser vision correction. LASIK eye surgery has allowed millions of Americans to showcase their “baby blues” (and other eye colors, of course) for the world to see.

LASIK eye surgery is performed on people who are nearsighted, farsighted and who have astigmatism. No LASIK surgeon can absolutely guarantee that LASIK will free you from corrective lenses forever, but this popular procedure is very effective for most patients…especially when they choose a surgeon who has extensive experience and a proven track record of success…a surgeon like Dr. O'Day at Charleston Cornea & Refractive Surgery in Charleston.

If you can think of other “eye” songs, share them with us on our Facebook page. And be sure to contact us soon at 843-856-5275 or on to schedule your free LASIK Consultation

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Elephant Eyes

 In honor of National Elephant Appreciation Day on September 22, here are some facts about elephant eyes.

  • Their eyes are very small, only about 1.5” in diameter
  • The location of their eyes on the side of their heads allows for peripheral vision but not depth perception; the trunk creates a large blind spot in their vision
  • They have three eyelids: an upper, lower and one that moves vertically for more protection
  • Their long eyelashes keep foreign matter out of their eyes
  • They have the same visual pigments as humans with red/green color-blindness
  • Their range of vision is only about 30 feet - some people might say that elephants are nearsighted!

Because of their poor vision, elephants use their sensitive trunks to navigate. Their poor vision does not hinder their ability to orient themselves, and that’s a good thing since vision correction surgery just isn’t performed on elephants!

It is, however, performed on millions of Americans every year. At Charleston Cornea and Refractive Surgery, we’ve performed many LASIK vision correction surgeries to correct nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. LASIK in Charleston is considered to be one of the safest medical procedures when performed by an experienced surgeon like Dr. O'Day. Of course, there are risks with any type of surgical procedure, so it’s always advisable to get all of the facts about LASIK before you decide to pursue this popular procedure.

One way to get the facts is by scheduling a free LASIK Consultation at Charleston Cornea and Refractive Surgery. You can find out if your eyes have the right characteristics for LASIK and you can get all of your questions about LASIK answered.

So don’t forget to take a minute to appreciate elephants on September 22 (an elephant wouldn’t forget). And, if you’re stuck wearing glasses or contacts, contact us today to schedule your free LASIK Consultation at or 843-856-5275.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Glasses, Contacts and Sports – How to Improve Your Game

Recently we read that September is National Little League Month. We’re not sure how many people actually celebrate this observance, but it got us thinking about all of those boys and girls on the field who wear corrective lenses as they play. In turn, this made us think of “vision-challenged” adults who continue playing sports of any kind.

Being nearsighted, farsighted or having astigmatism can become a real nuisance in life, especially if you are trying to see to hit a baseball/softball, swim laps in a pool, putt a golf ball into a hole or any other type of sport. Forced to wear glasses or contact lenses as you play, you can face different challenges than those with “near-perfect” vision. Sweaty noses can cause glasses to slide, dirt and debris can get underneath contacts, glasses can be broken and contacts lost.

Think of how much you could improve your game of choice if you were lens-free.

When you add LASIK vision correction to your pre-season training activities, you may be able to erase corrective lenses from your sports equipment list.

Dr. O'Day at Charleston Cornea & Refractive Surgery is ready to be your vision trainer. Schedule your free LASIK Consultation with us today at or 843-856-5275 to find out if your eyes are in the right physical condition to handle LASIK. You can also ask questions about LASIK and learn more about Dr. O'Day's background and experience. 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Five Unusual Benefits of LASIK

Most people know that LASIK can potentially free them from the hassles of glasses and contact lenses. Of course that’s a great benefit, but we’ve come up with five more unusual benefits of LASIK that may persuade you to seriously consider this popular procedure.

#1 – Freedom to buy cool, but cheap, sunglasses to fit your every mood or fashion statement.
#2 – Ability to wander around the house at night without stubbing your toe on furniture.
#3 – Connection with your “inner dolphin” as you can see when swimming underwater with goggles.
#4 – Expanded Halloween costume options (think full face masks, costume make-up without glasses or novelty contacts)! 
#5 – Fewer “crow’s feet” wrinkles around your eyes because you won’t have to squint to see.

Ok, we admit these are silly reasons to have LASIK. But many people who have had successful LASIK do discover some unexpected benefits of their improved vision. Wouldn’t you love to see how your life might be improved with LASIK?

If you’ve been considering LASIK, call Charleston Cornea and Refractive Surgery to schedule your free LASIK Consultation. There’s no obligation, and you can learn if your eyes are right for the procedure. Call our Charleston office today at 843-856-5275 or visit us online at

Thursday, August 22, 2013

How Long Does LASIK Take?

One minute may not seem like a long time, but here are just a few things you can do in this short timeframe:  

  • Get dressed
  • Microwave a bag of popcorn
  • Take a stretch break at your desk
  • Heat a cup of tea
  • Clean your computer monitor

·         Correct your vision with LASIK!

It may seem unbelievable, but it’s true that the actual laser vision correction aspect of LASIK only takes approximately one minute for most patients. That’s one minute to reshape your cornea to correct for imperfections that cause nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. That’s one minute toward the possibility of a lens-free life after LASIK.

The entire LASIK process (the amount of time patients are in the LASIK suite) typically takes about 15 minutes per eye. The surgeon uses this time to prepare the eyes for surgery, create the corneal flap, perform the vision correction and replace the flap back into position. Additional pre- and post-surgery time at the office is also suggested to help you relax before and after the surgery and allow the doctor to perform last minute tests, so you should schedule approximately 90 minutes for the entire process.   

Learn more about LASIK by contacting Charleston Cornea and Refractive Surgery at or 843-856-5275. We’re ready to schedule your free LASIK Consultation in Charleston so you can get all of the details about how LASIK might work for you.