Do you need a
little extra jolt of caffeine to get going in the mornings or afternoons?
Whether you enjoy a cup of joe, tea or soda, the amount of caffeine you consume
on a daily basis may be adversely affecting your vision. With March
being Caffeine Awareness Month, it is the perfect time to analyze your own
caffeine habits and schedule an eye exam to stay informed about your eye
Effect of Coffee on
A study published in 2012 by the Association for Research in
Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) suggested that consuming large amounts of caffeinated
coffee may increase the risk of vision loss. According to the study, “Heavy
caffeinated coffee consumption is associated with an increased risk of
developing exfoliation glaucoma, the leading cause of secondary glaucoma
In the ARVO study, researchers identified that consuming three cups or more of caffeinated coffee each day increased the risk of developing exfoliation glaucoma. The study did not link other forms of caffeine to glaucoma.
What is Glaucoma?
Glaucoma is a “silent” and slowly-progressing eye disease caused
by increased pressure within the eye that eventually damages the optic nerve.
Without proper treatment, glaucoma can lead to permanent blindness.
Caffeine and Dry Eye
Even if you get your daily energy boost from other sources of caffeine besides coffee, you may still experience vision changes. Researchers at the University of Wisconsin Medical School released a study in 2004 that found caffeine increased the risk of dry eye. However, newer research in 2012 from the University of Tokyo’s School of Medicine has shown that caffeine may actually increase tear production, thereby reducing dry eye symptoms.
Symptoms of dry eye can include:
- Blurry vision
- Burning, itching eyes
- Redness
- Excessive watering
- Eye fatigue
- Feeling of foreign substance in the eyes
Should You Say
Goodbye to Caffeine?
You probably don’t need to cut caffeine completely out of
your diet. But, like most things in life, you should consume caffeine in
moderation. Every person will be different in his or her ability to handle the
effects of caffeine. Listen to your body and know when it’s time to cut back.
Don’t Ruin Your
If you have taken measures to improve your vision, like by
having a LASIK vision correction procedure in Charleston, you don’t want to ruin your successful
efforts by treating your eyesight poorly. Even if you have achieved 20/20
vision through LASIK, it is still important to have regular eye exams to stay
informed of any “silent” vision changes, like glaucoma in Charleston, which may be
happening without your knowledge.
To learn more about LASIK, contact Charleston Cornea & Refractive Surgery today at 843-856-5275 or to schedule your free LASIK Consultation.