Friday, March 20, 2015

Ski Season is Here: Are Your Eyes Ready?

Whether you hit the slopes every weekend or just make it to the mountains once a year, having the right ski or snowboard equipment can be the difference between an epic run and constantly stopping to adjust your gear.

We’re not just talking boots and bindings…we’re talking eyewear. If you have to wear glasses or contact lenses to see clearly, you know how lenses can interfere with your fun on and off the slopes:
  • Contacts can dry out your eyes, especially during dry winter months at higher altitudes
  • Glasses fog up making it impossible to see
  • Ski goggles are cumbersome when trying to fit them over glasses

The solution for improved slope performance may be LASIK vision correction in Charleston Dr. O'Day at Charleston Cornea has performed thousands of blade-free LASIK procedures, helping many patients achieve 20/20 vision or better. While not all of these patients were snow enthusiasts, they still enjoy visual freedom from the daily hassles of lenses to correct nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism.

If you are planning LASIK before a big ski trip, make sure you schedule a free LASIK Consultation at Charleston Cornea & Refractive Surgery well in advance. Dr. O'Day can tell you if your eyes are right for the procedure and how long you should wait before engaging in outdoor activity. You don’t want to jeopardize the healing of your eyes by skiing too soon after surgery.

Call 843-856-5275 or visit to schedule your LASIK Consultation where you can also learn about LASIK financing options in Charleston and other ways to make LASIK fit your budget. 

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